Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Five Months Old and Feelin Fine

Big news -- Allison and Mika turn five months old today! The girls celebrated by sleeping through the night. When asked to comment on their big-girl status, Mika responded with a hearty "Aaaeeeeeeee!" while Allison giggled and tried to blow raspberries at the interviewer (aka Mommy).

Mika and Ali declined photos this morning, as they were in a rush to get some breakfast in those empty tummies. A photo op is tentatively scheduled for this evening.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Today my mind wandered back to the flood of emotions on April 20: seeing the beautiful babies huddled together in their bassinet; holding each of them for the first time; enjoying the reactions as each family member welcomed the twins. Kaylee was radiant. Jason was beaming. Both sets of grandparents were bursting with pride and excitement. Lots of hugs, lots of joyful tears. The previous 36 hours had been tough. But April 20 was a beautiful sunny day to welcome two new lives into the world.

Life hasn't been the same since their arrival. Like all babies, the girls stole the hearts of everyone they met as they pleasantly turned their parents’ lives upside down. Kaylee and Jason handled all challenges, the worst of which was sleep deprivation, with good humor. They have been rewarded with countless smiles and giggles.

Thank you Ali and Mika!! This world is now more enjoyable for both families as well as for the lucky couple’s friends.

September 21, 2006 at 9:20 PM  

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