We’ve had lots of fun adventures with the girls in the last couple months. They have grown since the last post. They are definitely toddlers now. They are talking up a storm and running all over the place. We can’t keep track of all the words they know!
Everyone is doing well. I have been back to school for web design, but I am taking a semester off during the winter. This is our busy season at work, so I’ve been putting in lots of hours (hence the belated post). Kaylee has been busy too. She is taking on little projects around the house while I study or work. The girls usually spend weekends at Kay and Kevin’s house (“Mom Mom” and “Gad” to the girls). This gives us time to clean around the house and sometimes relax. The girls still act very much alike. They follow each other around and are even playing with each other sometimes. Marti (who is now called Mamie) has caught them playing hide and seek and tickling each other.
I gave the girls their first haircuts! It wasn’t that bad. Mika was an angel, but Allison was a little more distressed. Now they have bangs and lots of curls. As of this entry, I will already have to cut it again!
The girls got to meet their Great Uncle Harvey (Randy’s brother). He came up from Texas to see his baby brother and to meet Kaylee and the twins. Randy is pleased that he has been dubbed “Bampa”.
"Bampa", Uncle Harvey, Allison and Mika
We went to Val and Jack’s beach house a couple times. The girls wanted so badly to jump in the water! I had to hold Allison back.
They absolutely love water of any kind. They love being in the pool and taking baths. Apparently they saw the ocean as a big bath and couldn’t understand why we wouldn’t let them go in.
The other twins in the family, Joan and Jane, came up from Florida to meet the girls. We had a fun day together with them and my side of the family.
The twins (all four of them)
Star, Perry, Dre and Matti came over for a play date. Imagine two sets of twins running in all different directions. It was chaos, but it was beautiful. They love playing with kids. They still think that every kid is a baby. They will point to a three or four year old and say, “Baby! Baby!”.

Allison sizes Perry up
We all went to Luke’s first birthday party. I think that’s the most children they’ve ever been around and they did very well. Allison was giving one of the little girls there, Abby, kisses. Luke was very cute and a lot bigger than the last time we say him (at the girls’ birthday party).
Of course, they get regular visits from Jen, Liz and Nick. I think that both of them are in love with Nick. If he’s visiting, they have to be near him always.

We have so many family and friends that help us every day. We don’t know what we’d do without all of you. We can’t count how many people are in love with Allison and Mika. They are very lucky to have all of you.
**Updated repeatedly in an attempt to correctly identify the babies in the pictures above. Even we can't tell them apart!
I can't believe how big they're getting! Life is moving too fast.
Lots of love to you all.
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