New Year's Resolution: Blog More!
Of course, you know how New Year's resolutions turn out, but we really mean this one. Really! And I plan on losing 50 pounds and finally writing that screenplay. So, Happy Halloween, Happy Thanksgiving, Chappy Chanukah, Merry Christmas, and have a great New Year.
We have come to believe that the twins are super geniuses. We may be biased. They have mastered so many things before the age of two. I never thought this kind of learning was possible. They repeat everything we say, so we have to be extra careful about watching our potty mouths. They both can sing. The first time Mika sang "twinkle twinkle little star" to us, we both welled up. Although some of the words were missing, she got all of the notes right and was as cute as is humanly possible. Both of the girls know their numbers and will (on occasion) count to ten. They both know some shapes and all of their colors. They are even learning letters.
For Halloween we dressed them as Thing 1 and Thing 2 from Dr. Seuss' Cat in the Hat. As the girls are becoming more independent, they are also getting harder to photograph. We do not have a decent picture of both of them together in their costumes. We went to a Halloween parade with Heather, Kyle, Simon and the usual entourage of family and friends. They loved the bands, but the parade was longer than expected and they got a little bored being told to stay in one place. Kaylee took the girls to a couple houses in the neighborhood while I manned the door. The girls got little pumpkins which they treasured.
Thanksgiving was also a blast. We went to (Jason's cousins) Curt and Denise's house for the last time . It was bittersweet. They have been hosting Thanksgiving for their family for years, but since they are moving, we'll have to start a new tradition. The girls were wonderful, especially since they didn't have a nap. They just thrived on everyone's energy and, of course, the food. While we were eating dinner, we got some unexpected, wonderful news. Beth and Mike are having a baby! We are so excited that the girls will have a cousin. We also went down to Dover for Thanksgiving with Kaylee's side of the family. We had a great time there as well. The girls got a new little phone that they now love.
Christmas was amazing as usual. The girls now have every toy known to man. They also have a full wardrobe until summer. Most of all, the girls got to see a lot of family and friends. We had three days of partying and the girls were very good. They got a little overwhelmed at Mamie and Bampa's house. There were just so many new toys and so many people! Christmas day we went to Mom-mom and Gad's house. Again they were overwhelmed with presents and family, but they handled it much better. By the time we exchanged gifts with our friends the day after Christmas, they were expert present openers and knew what to expect. They know who Santa Claus is now, but they LOVE Frosty the Snowman. We watched that stupid cartoon about 30 times.
The family is doing well and we expect a great new year.
We have come to believe that the twins are super geniuses. We may be biased. They have mastered so many things before the age of two. I never thought this kind of learning was possible. They repeat everything we say, so we have to be extra careful about watching our potty mouths. They both can sing. The first time Mika sang "twinkle twinkle little star" to us, we both welled up. Although some of the words were missing, she got all of the notes right and was as cute as is humanly possible. Both of the girls know their numbers and will (on occasion) count to ten. They both know some shapes and all of their colors. They are even learning letters.
For Halloween we dressed them as Thing 1 and Thing 2 from Dr. Seuss' Cat in the Hat. As the girls are becoming more independent, they are also getting harder to photograph. We do not have a decent picture of both of them together in their costumes. We went to a Halloween parade with Heather, Kyle, Simon and the usual entourage of family and friends. They loved the bands, but the parade was longer than expected and they got a little bored being told to stay in one place. Kaylee took the girls to a couple houses in the neighborhood while I manned the door. The girls got little pumpkins which they treasured.
Thanksgiving was also a blast. We went to (Jason's cousins) Curt and Denise's house for the last time . It was bittersweet. They have been hosting Thanksgiving for their family for years, but since they are moving, we'll have to start a new tradition. The girls were wonderful, especially since they didn't have a nap. They just thrived on everyone's energy and, of course, the food. While we were eating dinner, we got some unexpected, wonderful news. Beth and Mike are having a baby! We are so excited that the girls will have a cousin. We also went down to Dover for Thanksgiving with Kaylee's side of the family. We had a great time there as well. The girls got a new little phone that they now love.
Christmas was amazing as usual. The girls now have every toy known to man. They also have a full wardrobe until summer. Most of all, the girls got to see a lot of family and friends. We had three days of partying and the girls were very good. They got a little overwhelmed at Mamie and Bampa's house. There were just so many new toys and so many people! Christmas day we went to Mom-mom and Gad's house. Again they were overwhelmed with presents and family, but they handled it much better. By the time we exchanged gifts with our friends the day after Christmas, they were expert present openers and knew what to expect. They know who Santa Claus is now, but they LOVE Frosty the Snowman. We watched that stupid cartoon about 30 times.
The family is doing well and we expect a great new year.