Friday, April 20, 2007


Today Allison and Mika turn 1! It's hard to believe that the girls entered our lives one year ago! As Kaylee said, "It's been the longest year of my life, but it's gone by so fast!" It's definitely been the longest year of the babies lives (feel free to groan).

The girls have grown so much this year. They were so small when we brought them home. I remember that they didn't even fit into the car seats; Now we have the next size up. We have gone through clothes, food and diapers like crazy. Speaking of crazy, we were both getting there in the beginning. When the girls started sleeping regularly, wow, that was awesome. Nothing gets rid of crazy like eight hours of sleep a night. We were so happy when they started solid food that they were such good eaters. They have yet to dislike a food (unlike their parents). And every time they learn something new we have such a sense of pride. There are lots of firsts to come and we can't wait!

The picture above is
Mika (left), Mommy and Allison (right) on the girls' first birthday.


Mika took a few steps a couple weeks ago (Allison is still hesitant). They each have eight teeth, although they won't let us look in their mouths very often so they may have more. They both love music and will dance when they hear something they like. When Allison hears the itsy bitsy spider she wiggles her fingers in the air trying to do the hand motions that go along with the song. Both of them will raise their hands above their heads when asked how big they are. Both of them wave hello and bye-bye (Mika has even been known to say bye-bye). And of course, they both laugh a lot!

We are all so lucky to have family and friends that help us out with every little (and big) thing. Allison and Mika have so many people that love them! We are very blessed. If it wasn't for YOU, I don't know how we would have done it. Thank you!

Here are some birthday pictures as a token of our appreciation.

Allison (left) and Mika (right) have their first taste of fudge!

Allison is very excited that it's her birthday!

Mika on her birthday

Let me out of Baby Jail!!!

They are so alike!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Precious Ladies!! It has been a great year. It has been such a privilege watching them laugh, play, learn, grow, and develop. Mika and Ali are such pleasant little sweethearts. They have brought so much joy to the family. They have terrific parents! Even though the girls did not really know it was their birthday yesterday, the two of you stayed home from work to make the day extra special for them. No doubt, they loved the extra time with both of you. And what a day it was. The weather was beautiful, similar to the day of their birth. It was like the planet was welcoming these two special lives into the world. I am so anxious to see the four of you and both families plus all your friends today at the birthday party. Again, happy birthday Ali and Mika!! Love you lots!! Love the birthday pictures. Thank you for sharing.

April 21, 2007 at 7:08 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I apologize for writing so much and so soon. I was looking at the new pictures again. I just have to say that the picture of Mika reminds me very much of a picture we have of Kaylee.

April 21, 2007 at 7:16 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday, Mika and Allison! I remember when you came into the world. I still had yucky corporate job (life has improved since you both came along :)), and was waiting at my desk for a phone call. I got worried when 24 hours had passed since I had heard anything. I finally worked up the nerve to call your mommy and daddy directly on their cell, and your mommy picked up -- breathless but happy. :) That was the first indication that you were going to be a part of a loving, strong, happy family. Lord knows if I'd have the strength to talk on the phone right after giving birth to twins! But your mommy amswered, cheerful as ever. We were sorry to have missed your birthday party this year, but it looks like you didn't miss us. ;) It has been my pleasure to know you both, and I wish you many more milestones in the coming year! Love, Erin and Kurt

April 21, 2007 at 5:57 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday my sweet babies. I can't begin to tell you how much it has meant to me to be able to be with you so much and watch you go through all those incredibly huge steps you have accomplished this past year. It is too hard to explain how it feels to be a Grammy - so many people have said that to me before I had grandchildren and I never understood - until now. So many wonderful feelings...of pride for my own baby (Daddy Jason) and his beautiful wife (Mommy Kaylee)for they have done such a phenomenal job of taking care of and loving these beautiful girls...of a love that can't be put into words for the two most beautiful, sweet, affectionate, adorable babies ever born - except for my own two babies, Jason and Beth! I am so grateful for the four of you and we are blessed to be a part of this wonderful family! The pictures are a joy. We had so much fun celebrating their birthday with all those special friends and relatives at Ellen's - thank you so much Ellen - you are a true, wonderful friend for opening your home to all of us rowdy folks. Thank you to all of you who helped us celebrate 1 year of Allison and Mika!
Love you Jason, Kaylee, Allison and Mika.

April 22, 2007 at 9:43 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You guys are awesome! You can tell by how happy and well-behaved the girls are that their parents are amazing! I do hope that Nick and I are so good! (That's not a hint.) You are the best people that could have brought 2 new people into the world. We need to populate the world faster with smart, book-loving, love-loving, GOOD human beings. It's so cool being a part of their lives!

April 24, 2007 at 12:10 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow! It has been a whole week since the birthday party, which was great. Ellen's house was beautiful. The weather was perfect. The babies enjoyed the gathering of family and friends as well as the balloons, food, (particularly the cup cakes), and presents. Misty photographed the event; her presentation can be viewed at Thank you Ellen, Misty, and everyone involved in making the twins' first birthday special.

April 28, 2007 at 3:44 PM  

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