Monday, June 23, 2008

The Very First Firefly

Allison and Mika met their first lightning bug this evening. They didn't seem very impressed at first, since neither has the attention span needed to watch a bug for 5 whole seconds. Daddy persisted ("Keep watching... keep looking at it... hey look back over here... oh you missed it, look again...") and eventually they saw it light up.

Fortunately it's a cloudy evening so it wasn't nearly as bright in their room as it normally is this time of year (yes, the poor lightning bug had found its way into our house and has probably by now found its way into Rambler's belly). Also fortunate that I learned to change diapers in the dark 'lo those many months ago. The girls delighted in seeing the firefly light up the twilit room as they got ready for bed.

We chose Eric Carle's The Very Lonely Firefly as our goodnight book to commemorate the occasion. It's been a while since we read it and the girls (particularly Allison) were enthralled with the book. After Jason finished reading it, she grabbed the book and proceeded to read it aloud to us again.

Night, night lightning bug.



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