Tuesday, July 08, 2008

Robots, Babies and Monkeys

So now the girls' imaginations are really starting to shine. They like to pretend that they are either robots, babies or monkeys. Allison prefers being a robot. When she is "Robot Allison" you must address her as such in a monotone, robot voice. Everything she has is a robot this or a robot that (even Daddy turns into "Robot Daddy"). She has a shirt with a frog in a hula skirt. When I asked her what she wanted to wear one morning, she replied, "robot hula frog". Mika, on the other hand, likes to be a baby, and will insist that Mama carry her upstairs at bedtime cradled in her arms. Both of them have toy baby bottles which they will carry around and "drink" from. I think that they are excited that their cousin Daniel is on the way! They turn into "two little monkeys" when they are on a bed, and must jump and play accordingly. We just hope they don't fall down and bump their heads.

Recently, Allison claimed that she was a robot monkey! Now we're really in trouble...

Unrelated, here is a link with some twin shenanigans. Enjoy!


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